Exercise: French Pronouns Y and EN

EXERCICE – Y ou EN? Respond to the following questions replacing the noun with Y or EN. Scroll down for the answers.Exemple : Est-ce que tu vas à Chicago demain ? Oui, j’y vais. 1. Est-ce que tu veux une bouteille d’eau ? Oui, _________________________.2. Tu vas en France cette année ? Non, _________________________.3. Est-ce que vousContinue reading “Exercise: French Pronouns Y and EN”

10 Mots du Jour – Les enfants – Children

Love Learning Languages offers quick French vocabulary lists or 10 Mots du Jour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each set follows a different theme, today the 10 French vocabulary words are about children. This is a fantastic way to increase your children vocabulary! You get a downloadable list of the words in French and English,Continue reading “10 Mots du Jour – Les enfants – Children”

10 Mots du Jour – Les chaussures – Shoes

Love Learning Languages offers quick French vocabulary lists or 10 Mots du Jour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each set follows a different theme, today the 10 French vocabulary words are about shoes. This is a fantastic way to increase your shoe vocabulary! On va faire du shopping? You get a downloadable list of theContinue reading “10 Mots du Jour – Les chaussures – Shoes”

10 Mots du Jour – Les meubles – Furniture

Love Learning Languages offers quick French vocabulary lists or 10 Mots du Jour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each set follows a different theme, today the 10 French vocabulary words are about furniture. This is a fantastic way to increase your furniture vocabulary! On déménage! You get a downloadable list of the words in FrenchContinue reading “10 Mots du Jour – Les meubles – Furniture”

French Opposites – Antonyms

French Antonyms – Mots Opposés Learning opposite words is a fantastic way to increase your French vocabulary! I recommend learning them in pairs.   Practice pronunciation on QUIZLET:  List of words, French – English  Practice context on QUIZLET:  Si ce n’est pas ça, c’est quoi?  French – French  absent – absent présent – present vivantContinue reading “French Opposites – Antonyms”

Futur proche dans le passé – Futur proche in the past

Scroll down for Jennifer’s video lesson on this French grammar topic Le futur proche dans le passé ALLER (IMPERFECT) + INFINITIVE When referring to something that was going to happen soon after the present moment in the past, ALLER is conjugated in the imperfect tense.  It corresponds to was (were) going to + infinitive inContinue reading “Futur proche dans le passé – Futur proche in the past”

Le Futur Proche – French Near Future

Get a PDF of this lesson with audio commentaries, and a set of 50 study cards to practice and master this French grammar skill in my course. You must be logged in to your LLL French Academy account to access this course and everything that is included. Le Futur Proche ALLER (PRESENT) + INFINITIVE WhenContinue reading “Le Futur Proche – French Near Future”

Shops and Businesses in French – Vocabulary List

Shops and Businesses in French – Vocabulary List Practice and master this vocabulary on Quizlet une agence immobilière estate agency une animalerie pet shop une banque bank une bijouterie jewelry shop une boucherie butcher’s shop une boulangerie bakery une boutique shop une cave à vin wine cellar une charcuterie pork butcher’s shop une chocolaterie chocolateContinue reading “Shops and Businesses in French – Vocabulary List”

French City Vocabulary – En Ville

French City Vocabulary – En Ville Practice and master this vocabulary on Quizlet l’appartement apartment l’arrêt de bus bus stop l’autoroute highway l’avenue avenue l’aéroport airport la banlieue suburbs la bibliothèque library le boulevard boulevard le bâtiment building le café café le carrefour intersection la cathédrale cathedral le centre commercial shopping center le centre historiqueContinue reading “French City Vocabulary – En Ville”

10 Mots du Jour – L’avion – The airplane

Love Learning Languages offers quick French vocabulary lists or 10 Mots du Jour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each set follows a different theme, today the 10 French vocabulary words are about the airplane. This is a fantastic way to increase your airplane vocabulary! On décolle! You get a downloadable list of the words inContinue reading “10 Mots du Jour – L’avion – The airplane”