When To Use The French Subjunctive

Some say that the subjunctive is the most difficult thing to learn in French grammar, but it’s not true. Forming the French subjunctive is the same as forming any other tense. It’s not hard, you just need to learn it. 

Knowing when to use the French subjunctive is trickier than learning how to form it. The subjunctive is a mood that is used to express ideas that are subjective or uncertain. The subjunctive is very commonly used in French, but there are ways to avoid it!

  • The present French subjunctive refers to actions in the present or future.
  • Use the subjunctive when the sentence contains a dependent and a main clause.
  • The dependent and main clauses are connected by the word QUE.
  • If what follows QUE is subjective in nature,  you must use the subjunctive. 

When To Use The French Subjunctive

preferenceJe préférerais que tu fasses les courses avant midi. 
I’d rather you did the shopping before noon.
wantLes voisins veulent-ils que nous allions au lac ensemble?

Do the neighbors want us to go to the lake together?
wishLe maire souhaite que les citoyens soient plus responsables. 

The mayor wants (wishes) the citizens to be more responsible. 
Il faut que vous signiez ce document.
You have to sign this document. 
emotionCamille est triste que tu ne viennes pas à sa fête d’anniversaire demain soir. 

Camille is sad that you aren’t coming to her birthday party tomorrow night. 
fearNous craignons que vous ne compreniez pas la gravité de la situation. 

We’re afraid you don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. 
doubtJe doute qu‘ils en aient trois. 

I doubt they have three (of them).
suppositionIl se peut qu‘il pleuve.

It might rain. 
possibilityIl est fort possible qu‘il n’y ait pas de neige à la montagne ce week-end. 

There may well be no snow in the mountains this weekend. 
requestIls demandent que tout le monde soit assis avant le début de la pièce. 

They ask that everyone be seated before the play begins. 
adviceIl vaut mieux que tu te taises

You’d better keep quiet.
judgmentC’est dommage que vous partiez si tôt. 

It’s a shame you’re leaving so early. 
demandIls exigent que nous payions une somme importante. 

They demand that we pay a hefty sum. 
opinionC’est bizarre que tout soit fermé un mardi après-midi. 

It’s strange that everything’s closed on a Tuesday afternoon. 
goalJe lui donne deux euros pour qu‘elle puisse acheter du pain.

I’m giving her two euros so that she can buy bread.
conditionJe viendrai avec vous à condition que nous prenions une glace au retour. 

I’ll come with you on the condition that we get ice cream on the way back. 
opinion using negation
with certain verbs
Je ne pense (crois) pas qu‘elle soit vraiment malade. 

I don’t think (believe) she’s really sick. 

When to use the French subjunctive lesson guide

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