Venir de – French Recent Past

Le Passé Récent


When referring to something that happened just before the present moment, the verb venir is conjugated in the present, followed by de and an infinitive. It means that someone or something has just done something. You can also use venir in the imperfect tense to say that something had just happened.

je viens de + infinitivenous venons de + infinitive
tu viens de + infinitivevous venez de + infinitive
il vient de + infinitiveils viennent de + infinitive

Observe the following sentences written in the passé récent

👉 Mes amis viennent de partir.

👉 My friends just left.

👉 Est-ce que tu viens de m’appeler?

👉 Did you just call me?

👉 Christine vient d’apprendre les bonnes nouvelles.

👉 Christine just learned the good news. 

👉 Vous venez de rater le train.

👉 You just missed the train. 

👉 Je viens de voir mon professeur dans la rue.

👉 I just saw my teacher in the street.

👉 Les filles viennent de commencer à faire le gâteau.

👉 The girls just started making the cake.

👉 Nous venons de terminer nos devoirs.

👉 We just finished our homework.


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