French Future Tense Story – Le Futur Simple

La Journée de Vanessa – Le Futur Simple 👇 Scroll down for the English translation of this story 👇 La Journée de Vanessa Le réveil de Vanessa sonnera à six heures.  Elle ne se lèvera pas tout de suite.  Elle restera au lit jusqu’à six heures et demie.  Ensuite, elle prendra son petit-déjeuner.  Elle mangeraContinue reading “French Future Tense Story – Le Futur Simple”

French Past Tense Story – Le Passé Composé

La Journée de Vanessa – French Passé Composé 👇 Scroll down for the English translation of this story 👇 La Journée de Vanessa Ce matin, le réveil de Vanessa a sonné à six heures.  Elle ne s’est pas levée tout de suite.  Elle est restée au lit jusqu’à six heures et demie.  Ensuite, elle aContinue reading “French Past Tense Story – Le Passé Composé”

French Imperfect Tense Story – L’imparfait

La Journée de Vanessa – French Imperfect Tense 👇 Scroll down for the English translation of this story 👇 Pratiquement tous les jours, le réveil de Vanessa sonnait à six heures. Elle restait toujours un peu au lit et elle se levait généralement à 6 heures et demie, ce n’était pas trop tôt. Ensuite, elleContinue reading “French Imperfect Tense Story – L’imparfait”

French Imperfect Tense – L’imparfait

French Imperfect Tense The imparfait is one of the ways you can speak in the past.  You may have already learned the passé composé.  Using the French imperfect tense allows you to add description about the past, and everything you say will become more interesting! 🎯 What’s the difference between the imparfait and the passé composé?Continue reading “French Imperfect Tense – L’imparfait”

French Power Verb POUVOIR

French Verb POUVOIR The verb POUVOIR means TO BE ABLE – CAN.  Using this verb in the conditional tense is a way to speak politely in French. Like many verbs, POUVOIR can be followed directly by an infinitive. 👉 Watch my lesson on pouvoir at the bottom of this post 👈 Pouvoir:  Present tense conjugationContinue reading “French Power Verb POUVOIR”

French Power Verb DEVOIR

French Verb DEVOIR The verb DEVOIR means TO HAVE TO – MUST.  Using this verb in the conditional tense is a way to speak politely in French. Like many verbs, DEVOIR can be followed directly by an infinitive. 👉 Watch my lesson on devoir at the bottom of this post 👈 Devoir:  Present tense conjugationContinue reading “French Power Verb DEVOIR”

French Power Verb SAVOIR

French Verb SAVOIR The verb SAVOIR means TO KNOW HOW.  Using this verb in the conditional tense is a way to speak politely in French. Like many verbs, SAVOIR can be followed directly by an infinitive. 👉 Watch my lesson on savoir at the bottom of this post 👈 Savoir:  Present tense conjugation Je saisContinue reading “French Power Verb SAVOIR”

French Daily Practice Routine

Practice every day to improve your French Are you looking for ideas to improve your French tous les jours de la semaine? Here is a list of ways you can work on your French every day of the week. Use these ideas to create daily plans that you can get excited about. Going to aContinue reading “French Daily Practice Routine”

Types of French Negation

When you want to make an affirmative statement or question negative, you need to do a little more than the way we do it in English.  In this lesson, you will learn some of the most commonly used types of French negation in the present, passé composé, and futur proche tenses. Nine Ways to useContinue reading “Types of French Negation”

Vouloir – Essential French Verb

French Verb VOULOIR The verb VOULOIR means TO WANT.  Using this verb in the conditional tense is a way to speak politely in French. Like many verbs, VOULOIR can be followed directly by an infinitive. 👉 Watch my video tutorial on vouloir at the bottom of this post 👈 Vouloir:  Present tense conjugation Je veuxContinue reading “Vouloir – Essential French Verb”