Visiter vs Rendre Visite

Get your 4 page study guide and 12 minute audio lesson in my free course. You must be logged in to your LLL French Academy account (it’s free to sign up!) to access this course and everything that is included. Visiter vs Rendre Visite There is reason to believe you would use the verb visiter when visitingContinue reading “Visiter vs Rendre Visite”

French ER Verbs with Negation – Present Tense and Passé Composé

👉 Watch my video lesson on this French grammar topic at the bottom of this post 👈 👉 Click here for a list of regular French verbs ending in -ER 👈 PRESENT TENSE CONJUGATION CHART:  REGULAR -ER VERBS JE PARLE NOUS PARLONS TU PARLES VOUS PARLEZ IL – ELLE – ON PARLE ILS PARLENT PASSÉContinue reading “French ER Verbs with Negation – Present Tense and Passé Composé”