French Sentence Structure – Depuis, Pendant, Il y a

Comparing French and English Sentence Structure It can be interesting to look at French sentences and their English translations while comparing the two. Once you have identified corresponding words, you will realize how many similarities there are French and English. You’ll also notice some big differences, and those are worth examining more closely. Depuis –Continue reading “French Sentence Structure – Depuis, Pendant, Il y a”

Exercise – Depuis, Pendant, Il y a

Go straight to the lesson: Depuis, Pendant, Il y a Fill in the blanks with depuis, pendant or il y a. Scroll down to see the answers and English translations. 1. J’étudie le français _________________ deux ans.2. J’ai habité à Genève avec mon mari _________________ trois ans.3. Ils se sont rencontrés à la fac _________________Continue reading “Exercise – Depuis, Pendant, Il y a”

Depuis, Pour, Pendant, Il y a

Depuis, Pour, Pendant, Il y a Expressing Amounts of Time in French 👉 Scroll down to watch my video lesson on this grammar topic 👈 Exercise: Depuis, Pendant, Il y a Quiz: Depuis, Pendant, Il y a 50 Practice Cards DEPUIS If an event began in the past and continues into the present, use depuisContinue reading “Depuis, Pour, Pendant, Il y a”