Relative Composed Pronouns – Mini French Lesson

French Relative Composed Pronouns RELATED POSTS:

Relative Composed Pronouns – Mini French Lesson

Fill in the blank with the correct form of lequel: 👉 Le courriel _________ j’ai répondu était plein de fautes d’orthographe. 👉 The email to which I replied was full of spelling mistakes. 👉 Le courriel auquel j’ai répondu était plein de fautes d’orthographe. Why is auquel the correct answer? 👉 The verb répondre isContinue reading “Relative Composed Pronouns – Mini French Lesson”

French Relative Composed Pronouns Lesson – LEQUEL – AUQUEL – DUQUEL

LEQUEL, AUQUEL and DUQUEL are much like the relative pronouns QUI, QUE and DONT and CE QUE, CE QUI, CE DONT meaning they introduce dependent clauses. A dependent clause is one that has a subject and a verb, but it needs to be connected to a main clause to form a complete sentence. Relative pronouns are the words thatContinue reading “French Relative Composed Pronouns Lesson – LEQUEL – AUQUEL – DUQUEL”