French Definite, Indefinite, Partitive Articles

Even if you aren’t a beginner, it’s important to think about the importance of French definite, indefinite, and partitive articles.  It’s easy to forget how tricky it can be to choose the right ones.  

I have several video lessons on French articles that you can watch on YouTube to better understand them. There’s just no way to get around using articles in French,  and each one plays an important role in determining what nouns mean and how they is used in sentences.

Definite Articles:

LE – LA – LES mean THE.  They change according to the gender of the noun and whether it is singular or plural . LE is for masculine nouns, LA is for feminine nouns, and LES is for all plural nouns.

Indefinite Articles:

UN – UNE are used to refer to non-specific nouns.  They also change according to the gender of the noun.  UN is used for masculine nouns and UNE for feminine nouns.

Partitive Articles:

DU – DE LA – DE L’ – DES are used to indicate a part or quantity of a specific noun. DU is for masculine and singular nouns, DE L’ is used before masculine nouns that begin with a vowel, while DE LA is used before a feminine noun. DES is used before plural nouns.

French definite, indefinite, and partitive articles cannot be avoided They are used to determine the noun’s meaning and usage in a sentence, making it easier to communicate effectively.

Watch my video lessons, do the video exercise with me, and for a BIG challenge you can do the practice cards over and over again!

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